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Resources for Diabetes Educators

Resources for Diabetes Educators

  The first step in proper patient education is to know your audience. Diabetes patients come from all walks of life. Know the general demographics supported at your facility. Note that Spanish is spoken by at least 37 million people in the US today, according to PEW Research. Spanish is by far the most popular language in our nation, after English. It’s best to stock a variety of educational materials appropriate for both Spanish and English speakers. Age and reading level matter too. Your patient education materials must be understandable. Both the text and the images need to be age-appropriate and easily understood. Beyond the educational materials you keep on hand, here are more ideas to consider:
  • Find & join a diabetes education program in your area.
  • Provide group learning opportunities for diabetes patients in a classroom or an online forum.
  • Create social media groups for your patients. Post accurate information for them to learn and communicate with each other about diabetes care.
  • Check out The Ultimate Guide to Diabetes Education Material Selection to learn how to select the best educational materials for your staff and patients.
  • Encourage patients to connect with a professional dietitian or nutrition specialist to promote healthy eating.
  • Offer access to physical activity opportunities. Consider simple activities like group walks or basic yoga classes.
  • Encourage a “buddy” system for workouts and diet management. These challenges can be easier to tackle with a friend.
The key takeaway here is that Type 2 diabetes management will be a lifelong process for your patients. Encourage them to find quality resources and activities outside of the hospital or doctor’s office.

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HERC Publishing
HERC Medical Publishing
Health Education Resource Catalog

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